Attract new visitors with the Ambassador feature

Together with the Stadsschouwburg and Philharmonie Haarlem, we have developed a fun new functionality that enables theatres to work in an intelligent, effective way to increase audience reach.

With the Ambassador feature you give existing customers and relations the opportunity to act as promoters. On a personal advice page, your employees, regular visitors or friends are given the opportunity to offer a unique discount for performances to their friends and family.


Peppered's Ambassadorfeature consists of a combination of a number of newly developed functionalities. These are cleverly used in combination with the existing options for approaching people personally.


With visitor tags you determine which website visitors become ambassadors. Think, for example, of the aforementioned friends of the theatre, but also employees, relations, loyal visitors, etc. When someone is appointed as an ambassador, this visitor gets the visitor tag linked to the account and is recognised as such when logging in.

With the personal privilege of being an ambassador, the new ambassador gets access to a personal invitation page where friends, relatives or other relations with an email address can be invited to visit the theatre.

The 'Ambassador' label and the privileges that belong with it will be linked to the promoter's account


The invitees then receive an email that refers to a web page with an overview of selected performances. Opening this page also unlocks a discounted rate for these performances, regardless of whether this visitor is already known on the website or not. Now all you have to do is make a choice from the performances and the tickets can be ordered - with a discount.

“The personal touch, with a personalised landing page, selected performances, and the approach via email, makes this a very 'warm' campaign. The attractiveness of a personal discount, a privilege that is therefore only valid for the recipient of the mail, is an extra incentive that will persuade the visitor to buy a ticket."

- Ilse Wetselaar, head of marketing at Stadsschouwburg and Philharmonie Haarlem

Strategic focus on audience reach

The deployment of new strategies aimed at reaching a more diverse and larger audience. Ilse Wetselaar, head of marketing at Stadsschouwburg and Philharmonie Haarlem, explains: "Together with Peppered, we came up with the Ambassador feature. I believe that you can use the fans of your halls and programming well to disseminate the offer from your programming. You partly reach a new audience that cannot easily be reached with standard marketing tools."

Especially now

Ilse continues about the potential she sees in this, and her arguments for starting this campaign now, now that theatres have to promote the habit of going to the theatre again: “With this campaign strategy we bring new people to the theatre. Especially in this time it is important to use all resources to get the halls full again. The audience that does come is enthusiastic, we give them the means to make that concrete and to further spread the theatre virus, it’ll be a nice change... We are now starting with our employees to continue the fine-tuning of the campaign, but of course we are only at the beginning of the possibilities of this strategy.”

Your own ambassador campaign

This fun, innovative way to gain new audiences is now available to all our website users. You build up the Ambassador feature with discount codes, a selection of events bundled in a theme, and different pages. The reporting tool in the Peppered Dashboard provides insight into which ambassador has sent an invitation and to whom. It also shows if a discount code is still valid and if any orders have been completed while using the discount. Users can find the manual for the Ambassador feature in our knowledge base. We are curious about your campaigns!